Saturday, April 12, 2008

I remember...

I remember catching lightening bugs. nightcrawlers and polywogs.

I remember going on my very first date with a boy. His name was Jim Pitts. We went to a dance at a lodge with a lot of old men!

I remember going up north with my Aunt Hazel, Uncle Carl, little grandma, little Carol, cousins and my family.

I remember watching The Wizard of Oz for the first time with my dad while we were eating steak.

I remember lieing on the grass and looking at the clouds figuring out what they looked like.

I remember watching my cat having kittens and I was very scared.

I remember walking to school while in elementary school.

I remember while in elementary school going with my friend Judy to buy our moms mother's day presents. I bought a cookbook (which I still have) and a flower.

I remember getting my mom a jewelry box (which I also have still) for a special occasion.

I remember mom giving us sugar mixed into butter to stop us from coughing,

I remember for a bedtime snack having a slice of white bread with milk poured on top and sugar sprinkled on top of that.

I remember all the pick carnations in the front of our house.

I remember when I was about 4/5 and sitting with my cousin, Bruce, scribbling on paper and insisting that I was really writing something.

I remember skating down a hill trying to get to my cat before she ran away (she was an indoor/outdoor cat) and falling. I still have the scar from that.

I remember watching my neighbor friends eating a whole raw onion and thinking that it looked good. I went home and got one. It was awful.

I remember my other neighbors family liked raw potatoes so I tried them too. They were also awful.

I remember my very first present from a boy. Jim Pitts gave me a necklace watch for my graduation. (yes, I still have that too)

I remember getting cologne from another boyfriend. It was called Prophecy by Prince Matchibely (sp) Bob Hammerstone was the boyfriend.

I remember taking square dance lessons at school. My favorite one was called the Virginia Reel.

I remember my dad bring some type of smoked fish home and having some with him. I can still taste it. It was really good.

I remember having to go through all of our pictures and having to take out any with my dad and giving them to my mom.

I remember when in elementary school having to say out loud that I did not have a dad and I did not know what kind of job he had. The teacher was asking everyone. There was only one other person without one besides me. I was very embarassed.

I remember getting my first transister radio for Christmas. I stayed up most of Christmas night waiting for music to start to play. (Yes, I still have it)

I remember having my very first banana split. I was a junior in high school. Another boyfriend named Billy Joe bought it for me.

I remember going to a real restaurant with my family and having pizza. That was the only restaurant I remember going to with my mom and brother and sisters.

I remember standing on the front steps of the house with the record player playing an Elvis song and showing Debbie and Joan how to dance. (like I knew myself how to)

I remember the first 45 record I ever got. It was called Let's Dance. (You guessed it-I still have it)

I remember catching snow on my tongue.

I remember seeing my mom in her casket.

I remember holding Debbie's hand at the funeral home because she was crying.

I remember not being able to live with my brother after my mom died.

I remember liking to watch Lawrence Welk on tv and seeing the Lennon sisters.


Anonymous said...

Once again your blog has made me cry...Love you, Deb

Jennifer said...

You have such a good memory. Thanks again for sharing all the good and the hard memories.

Flower Mound Mom said...

I think I must get my good memory from you.
Love the shared memories, I may have to put a few down myself...
The boys read your blog, but someday when they are older, I'll read it to them again.